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Thrive Guide: Tips for Thriving in Life after Wentworth

Getting a Job

The job search process takes patience and perseverance. There are many different aspects of a job search and it’s not a linear process. You’ll want to begin by thinking about what types of positions and companies you are interested in, however, you may revisit and reevaluate this part of the process later on. Similarly, you’ll need to create and revise application materials, utilize networking strategies, and prep for and follow-up with interviews throughout the process. Most importantly, throughout the entire process, stay confident and professional by being prepared. The CO-OPS + CAREERS Office is available to you for the rest of your career, including access to WITWorks

Adapting to the workplace

Every workplace is different and to thrive at a new company it is important you take the time to understand the culture around you. During your first week, take notice of the norms and routines within the office, and befriend a company veteran who can help you navigate politics and find office supplies. Being professional is not one thing but three: it is what you say, what you do, and how you present yourself.

Company & Industry Research

Find lists of top companies in your field -- and detailed background information for your interview - using resources from the Library!

Library recommendations

Web recommendations