Collab (C) Zone
Collab Zone is best for group work, collaboration, and socialization. Phone calls or virtual meetings should be taken in a Study Room. Noise levels are expected to remain at a respectful volume. Collab Zone includes the Main Level, Study Rooms, and the Program Room.
Quiet (Q) Zone
Quiet Zone is best for quiet study, independent work, or small group work. Conversations are expected to be kept at a low volume. No phone calls and other meetings. Quiet Zone includes most of the Mezzanine Level.
Silent (S) Zone
Silent Zone is best for silent and independent work. No cell phone conversations, virtual meetings, or audible music/headphone noise. Minimal to no noise is expected. Silent Zone includes the Reading Room and behind the Book Stacks on the Mezzanine Level.

*Please note: you will be asked to relocate zones or leave the library if you are not respectful.