Print books are going to provide fabulous high resolution graphics:
Search the library catalog for project name with quotation marks (Example: "Exeter Library")
Limit results to books by choosing Source Type "Books" on the left. If you do not see "books" choose "show more."
Search the library catalog for architect or designer (Example: Louis Kahn)
Limit result to books by choosing Source Type "Books" on the left. If you do not see "books" choose "show more." Once you have the call number, go to the stacks and check the table of contents or index for your project name.
Search the library catalog for building type (Example: Library Architecture)
Limit result to books by choosing Source Type "Books" on the left. If you do not see "books" choose "show more."
Find high resolution art images from libraries, museums, and private collections
As of August 1, 2024, Artstor content is now hosted on JSTOR. Users can download and save images. To save images, users can create a free account. To download images, no account is needed.
Offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture and design, the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, historic preservation, and interior design and decoration.
Avery Index for Architectural Periodicals lists most, if not all, architecture publications. It contains many items that are not held in Schumann Library’s collection, either digitally or physically. To request an article: submit an InterLibrary Loan request and we will request a copy on your behalf:
Provides access to full text articles on fine, decorative, and commercial art and design well as 14,000 indexed art dissertations and 229,000 indexed art reproductions.
Provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines comprising area studies, arts, business and economics, history. humanities, law, medicine, science and mathematics, and social sciences.
As of August 1, 2024, Artstor's collections are now part of JSTOR. Users can access and download high resolution art images from libraries, museums, and private collections.
**Some functions of DETAIL Inspiration are currently not operating. If you run into an error or need assistance accessing PDFs or searching please email***
Offering over 4,000 project documentations from more than 30 years of DETAIL magazine, DETAIL Inspiration is the largest research and inspiration platform for sophisticated designs and building solutions.
Douglas D. Schumann Library & Learning Commons
Wentworth Institute of Technology
550 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115