Find high resolution art images from libraries, museums, and private collections
As of August 1, 2024, Artstor content is now hosted on JSTOR. Users can download and save images. To save images, users can create a free account. To download images, no account is needed.
Google offers an enormous selection of images; however, not all of these images are free of restrictions. Be sure to modify the "Usage Rights" filter to limit your search only to graphics labeled for reuse.
This site offers a collection of over 1 million images (and videos) available for download free of copyright restrictions. You can view the full licensing terms here:
A guide created by Colin Purrington, Ph.D. on how to design a scientific poster. This includes what to include in a poster and the dos and don'ts of poster designing.
Examples of scientific posters of students from the University of Texas at Austin. Each example includes a list of strengths and a list on what to improve.
Need a template to help inspire your poster design? Download one of the (free) Make Signs poster templates (the file will download as a PowerPoint file-type).
Fully customizable PowerPoint research poster templates (the file will download as a PowerPoint file-type).
Print, Copy, Scan
When you are on campus use Follow Me Printing to print, copy, and scan. Each student gets a printing allowance. You can check your remaining print balance at any time. Check out our step-by-step guide to Wentworth printing here: