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Library 101

Introduction the the Libary and using Library resources for research

The Research Process

Research does not follow a straight line.  You often have to go back and re-do steps.  Start early and ask for help along the way.  

Common research steps

  • Choose a Topic
  • Find Information
  • Refine Your Topic
  • Evaluate your Sources
  • Write and Cite

Image: Choose your topic, find information, refine your topic, evaluate your sources, write and cite

Choose Your Topic

Choosing your topic can be fun and interesting.  You may be assigned a topic or an area to focus on.  

Places to look:


Class readings

Class discussions


Subject Databases

Search Strategies and Tips

Identify search terms you can use when searching for books, articles, and reference resources. For your argumentative essay, search for materials that will strengthen your case, but be aware of counter-arguments that could weaken it.

Some possible pro or con argument topics:

  • Gun control OR Gun safety 
  • Teenage voting
  • Cannabis legalization
  • Affirmative action

For each topic, you should try searching with more than one search topic. If you chose to write about gun control or gun safety, you might try a combination of these alternate search terms:

  • Second Amendment
  • National Rifle Association (NRA)
  • Mass shootings

Use quotation marks around specific phrases that you want to specify in your search, such as "Fenway Park".

Use Boolean searching depending on whether you need to narrow, expand, or combine your search terms.  Boolean terms are AND, OR, NOT. 

AND will narrow your searches by including results that include all your search terms. 

OR will broaden your search by retrieving results with all your search terms.

NOT will narrow your search by excluding results with the terms you indicate.  


Test  your terms in one of these databases: 

Refine Your Search

As you are searching, examine your results.  Are your terms too narrow?  too broad?  Be prepared to change your searches as you go.