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RAMP 2022


Contact a Librarian!

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Contact Us

Kelsey Diemand

Dan Neal

Pia Romano

Reference Librarians

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What You'll Find Here

Librarians will visit you each week to discuss various strategies, sources, and tools that will help you with your research. Click on each week to navigate through the resources we discussed in class! We will add resources as we go through each week. Jump to:

Learning Outcomes

Over the course of three Library sessions this summer, RAMP students will accomplish the following:

  1. Role of the Library and Finding Help

Students will be able to describe how library staff, resources, and services can assist them in their research and academic work. Students will be able to identify at least one way to contact a librarian for research help.  

  1. Navigate the Library Website

Students will be able to identify, access and use the library resources, tools and services that best meet their information needs.   

  1. Search Strategies

Students will demonstrate the ability to use the Library catalog to find books, eBooks, videos, and articles by title, author, subject, and keyword. They will devise productive search strategies by discovering relevant search terminology in subject headings, reference resources, and websites. Students will display their ability to narrow their searches through such tools as search engine limiters, modifying keywords, and phrasesFinally, they will determine when and how to broaden a search, based upon insufficient initial results. 

  1. Subject Specific Resources

Students will examine both library and internet resources that focus osubjects specific to their research project and future academic workStudents will be able to identify specific resources that relate to their research and discipline. Students will determine which resources are the most appropriate for their individual research topic. 

  1. Evaluating

Students will be able to determine what resources are appropriate for their research, compare and contrast various and diverse viewpoints on topics, and incorporate them into their research 

  1. Citations

Students will use RefWorks to create citations and a works cited page. Students will communicate why citations are crucial for academic workThey will identify the parts of a citation to ensure the accuracy of each entry.