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ENGR 5000: Senior Design for Biological Engineering

A Note on Citing Standards

Style manuals such as APA, MLA, and Chicago do not supply examples of proper standards citation. 

ASTM and IEEE provide citation tools in their online standard collections.

  • ASTM offers references in Chicago (17th ed.), MLA (7th ed.), and APA (6th ed.) style formats.
  • IEEE provides citations and citations with abstracts in IEEE style.
  • If none of these citation styles match the style required for your assignment, you will have to construct your citations manually or by using the "Add a Reference" option in RefWorks.

Remember: When citing standards, use the book citation format in the style required for your writing assignment.


ASME CItations

The ASME Standards Collection provides no citation tools for the downloading of standards citations.  Please refer to the ASME citation guidelines links below or to the video in the RefWorks box above for help with citing standards in ASME style.  Standard numbers are vital information. Be sure to include them in your citations.

ASME Book Format: Last name, First name.1 Book Title.2 Name of Publisher City of Publication (year published)3.

ASME Standard Citation Example:  American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators.  ASME A17.3. New York City, (2017).

ASTM Citations

ASTM Compass provides a "Cite This Document" citation export feature with each of its various publications. Citations may also be downloaded as Word documents for copying and pasting into endnotes and bibliographies.

The citation may be exported as an .RIS file to such citation management tools as RefWorks, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, and Zotero, as well as many others, but may result in inaccurate or incomplete references. Be sure to check the accuracy of your references when using citation management software such as RefWorks, EasyBib, EndNote, or Zotero.


IEEE Citations

IEEE Xplore permits the export of citations to RefWorks by using by means of its "Cite This" feature. It allows citations to be downloaded in plain text and .RIS formats, but sometimes the importation of these these formats results in incomplete citations. Be sure to check the accuracy of your references when using citation management software such as RefWorks, EasyBib, EndNote, or Zotero.