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RefWorks Essentials

Adding Citation Styles to RefWorks in Microsoft Word

How to Add New Citation Styles in RefWorks

Step 1:  Select “Create a Bibliography” on RefWorks. Select the drop-down menu and search for the citation style (for example, IEEE) and uncheck the box for “Include CSL styles.” 

Screen capture of the Create Bibliography page, with the search menu for citation styles selected.

Step 2:  Choose the IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers style. 

Screen capture of the RefWorks website's "Create Bibliography" page. "IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers" is selected so it is bolded.

Step 3: Your bibliography should be displayed below the citation style menu in your selected citation style (although, yours will likely have more citations than ours!) 


Screen capture of the RefWorks website's "Create Bibliography" page. IEEE is the selected citation style and the bibliography is listed below it in IEEE style.

Step 4: Open the Microsoft Word document for your project.

Step 5: Click on the “RefWorks” tab in the command bar. Click on “Sync My Database.”

Screen capture of Microsoft Word. The RefWorks tab is selected in the toolbar and the "Sync My Database" button is located at the top of the "Extras" menu.

Step 6: Click on the “Style” drop down menu. You should now see IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers as an option. Select it. Now you should be ready to go! 

Screen capture from Microsoft Word, with the RefWorks tab selected in the toolbar. The Style menu is located at the top of the Citations and Bibliography menu.