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ENGL 1100: English I (Prof. Masotta)

Updated for Spring 2022

Activity Instructions

  1. This is a small group activity. Divide into groups of 2-4.
  2. Using Library resources and/or Google, find two sources*: one you would consider using in your paper and one you would NOT want to use. *Please do not include inappropriate content.
  3. Once you've found two sources, record the following information on the Jamboard associated with your class section (Jamboard links below):
    • Title of article/book/source
    • URL or permanent URL
  4. Be prepared to share with the class why you chose your two sources. (Hint: Consider the questions on the "Evaluating Sources Activity" handout. i.e. Who, Where, When, Why, etc.)

Jamboard Instructions

A screen capture of a Google Jamboard reading "Would you use this source?" It looks much like a white board.

Select the Post-It icon (as shown above) and write your response(s). Press "save" when you are ready to submit.